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Heart of the Order, Baseball Poems,

edited by Gabriel Fried

Persea Books, 2014

"Tossing the Bouquet," p. 95.

This anthology gathers together some of the finest poems written on baseball from the past seventy-five years. They represent the entire spectrum of verse-writing about the National Pastime, from stickball and sandlot games to Little League and the Majors, from spectators to scrubs to superstars.  In a myriad of voices—earnest to zany—they capture baseball's poetic sensibility, its rhythms, culture, and timelessness.  They evoke memories of youth and promise, of growing up and growing older. They bring us back to our personal and collective pasts.



Token Entry, edited by Gerry LaFemina

Smalls Books/Red Lashes Productions (April 1, 2012)


"The Love Train," p.120

This anthology is designed to let poets take you with them on their journeys-from the Bronx into Manhattan, into Queens and Brooklyn (sorry Staten Island-we can't take a subway to get to you). Performance poets and formalists, lyric poets and experimentalists, all of us are on board. Some of us are meditating on what we've seen, others are telling stories, but each of us is having the experience.

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Spring, edited by Helen Ivory

In Spring, you'll find an international collection of poets, and it includes my poems: "Ghost Moth," and "Velvet Ant."Unfortunately, Spring is out of print, so I have posted the poems here for you. 

Blues for Bill, edited by Kurt Brown, Meg Kearney, Donna Reis, and Estha Weiner

Akron Series in Poetry : University of Akron Press, 2005.


"Ode to Bill's Vocabulary, 1997," p. 66.

Blues for Bill was born out of the desire to perpetuate the memory of our dear friend and teacher, Bill Matthews. Bill's work will last without our help, of course, but what of our memories of Bill himself? This collection of poems ensures that the world will remember his graciousness, intelligence, knowledge, style, good humor, capacity for friendship, immense talent and wit. It's Bill himself this anthology memorializes, the character and soul of this most unique man. The poems included were written by people who knew Bill in a variety of ways, under myriad circumstances: as friend, both old and new; as mentor and teacher; as colleague; as father. The book's introduction was penned by Bill's long-time friend, Russell Banks. Many of the contributors' names will be familiar, such as Sharon Olds, Stanley Plumly, Dave Smith, Henry Taylor, David Wojahn, Susan Wood, and Baron Wormser; others are perhaps not as well known, but their poems are remarkable, true testaments to Bill.

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"Scenes from sidewalk, air, and water:" 1. "Ghost Moth" and 2. "Velvet Ant."

Spring, from "Scenes from sidewalk, air, and water," p. 51

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2. "Velvet Ant," continued

Spring, from "Scenes from sidewalk, air, and water," p. 52

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