2011 from Finishing Line Press
FIeld Rations is a chapbook based on over a hundred letters my grandfather wrote to my grandmother during World War II. The poems are inspired by those letters, memories of my grandparents, and six months I spent living in France following his route from Normandy to Metz. I hope you enjoy this!
Here are new poems from Melinda Thomsen, a freshly minted MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts, but already dazzling and prolific. Melinda Thomsen’s poetry and book reviews have been published or are forthcoming in journals such as Poetry East, Big City Lit, New York Quarterly, Home Planet News, Elysian Fields Quarterly, Alimentum, Heliotrope, and The Same. Anthologies include Blues for Bill: A Tribute to William Matthews and Spring from Gatehouse Press, Great Britain. Finishing Line Press published her chapbook Naming Rights in June 2008. These poems are from her next collection, Field Rations, to be published in October 2011.